Inameti Lawrence Udo PhD, Emmanuel Iniobong Archibong PhD
Time is a riddled-paradoxical reality that has bewildered the human mind since antiquity.
Despite its slippery and puzzling disposition, it tends to wield enormous influence in
almost everything that is done under the sun. Our most common-sensical conception of
time divides it into the past, the present, and the future in a straight line fashion.
Complicated as the concept of time may seem, attempts to understand time was pushed
beyond proportion by Albeit Einstein. In His Special Theory of Relativity, time becomes
relative having no absoluteness different from how time was previously conceived. Thus,
the relativity of time disturbs the human mind because it contradicts her intuition. This
work critically focuses its attention on the odd posture that time assumes especially in
Einstein theory of relativity as contra-distinguished from our earlier conception of time
in everyday life while at the same time showing the not too technical posture of time as
conceived in the African worldview.