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IDEAS: A Uniuyo Journal of Philosophy and Multi-Disciplinary Studies (IUJPMS)​

IDEAS: A Uniuyo Journal of Philosophy and Multidisciplinary Studies (IUJPMS) is an international academic journal devoted to the discipline of philosophy and other related fields of study. Domiciled in an African place and universe of experience, IUJPMS aims to develop the contours of a philosophical understanding not subservient to dominant paradigms and provide a platform for diverse philosophical voices. The journal endeavors to serve as a meeting point, where specific philosophical issues of local and global interest may be explored in an imaginative, thought-provoking and pioneering ways. Contributors should be able to facilitate novel perspectives on issues of current interest. Owing to the fact that contemporary research in many disciplines have tilted towards inter-relatedness and the multi-disciplinary usefulness of theories and ideas, the journal is open to the publishing of original researches not just in philosophy but in other cognate areas in the humanities as well as the hard and soft sciences. Having its IUJPMS publishes in English language quarterly in print as well as electronic formats. However, this does not rule out the fact that when occasion demands, there would not be dedicated issues that will be devoted to a special topic of relevance .


IUJPMS is open to all areas of philosophy which fall into the core concerns of reality (metaphysics), Knowledge (epistemology) and values (axiology). This also includes the subject of logic which is the tool of philosophy. This implies that IUJPMS is open to a broad spectrum viewpoints, perspectives and positions on subjects ranging from ethics, meta-ethics, applied ethics, political philosophy, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of language, philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, philosophical psychology, philosophy of action, and philosophy of law and so on. In particular, this journal aims at providing a forum for philosophical exchange among philosophers from diverse fields within the philosophy tradition as well as other cognate disciplines broadly conceived. Manuscripts and academic position papers in related areas are welcome, provided that they are relevant for current philosophical debates. IUJPMS aims at bridging the humanities/science barriers. This is why its goal includes publishing articles that cross traditional disciplinary barriers, either by relying on scientific methodologies, data, and paradigms to ground arguments within a philosophical debate or by using philosophical tools to analyze and illuminate debates that might be deemed as falling outside of academic philosophy.  IUJPMS supports equal opportunity and diversity among its authors. Thus, it encourages submissions from researchers from all over the world, regardless of their nationality, race, geographic origin, sex or gender. ​


Submission of manuscripts is done electronically via the dedicated email address of IUJPMS (submission@ideasuniuyojiournal.com and ideas.uniuyojournal@gmail.com) and all received manuscripts are reviewed by the journal’s appointed Editors to check whether they fit into the scope of the journal and satisfy the journal’s guidelines. Reviewers are given a maximum of twenty(20) days to provide their feedback on received manuscripts. IUJPMS aims to provide the first decision within two weeks of receiving a manuscript.

The decisions fall into four possible outcomes:
1. Acceptance/Publish as it is: The reviewers think that the paper should be published in its submitted form without revisions.
2. Minor revision: The paper should be returned to the author with the list of revisions suggested in the comments to the author.
3. Major revision: The paper should be accepted in principle only and major revisions are recommended in the comments to the author. The paper will be returned to the author with a suggestion to undertake major revision as indicated. Along with the revised manuscript, the author(s) should send a separate document detailing how they addressed the worries raised by the reviewers.
4. Rejection: The submission does not satisfy the scholarly expectations of IUJPMS. 

Reasons for not accepting the submission will be offered in the comments to authors without further consideration for publication.
Accepted manuscripts are published online on the IUJPMS official website with Google scholar visibility. Moreover, authors of accepted manuscripts will receive a printed copy of the issue in which their article was published in so far as they fulfill the author page charge of the journal as indicated on the call for papers.

Call for Papers

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